Maybe it's a giant dream,
and some of you will laugh at mii,
it's okay, I can understand why are people laughing at mii.
Cause that seems really impossible for mii to go for my target.
I'll try my best.
One day if my dream comes true,
I'll first thank to people who laugh at mii. =)
I already planned the way to go for my target.
*Cough cough.Clearing the throat*
I'm gonna study hard. *Oh my god*
Really really need to study hard.
So I can get 9A's in SPM.
I know that's kinda hard and impossible for mii,
but I'll try. *Belum try belum tau*
If I get 9A's for SPM, then I can go college for free. =D *cheapskate*
When I'm studying in college, I'll get a part time job.
So I can earn some money for myself and family. =) *clap clap*
After finish the 3years studying International Business in college,
then I'll get a job that can earn a lot of money. =D
*Example job: Manager of any big company.*
Then I'll save the money.
And I'll get my own shop.
Then I'll make my shop a lot of branches in Malaysia.
Then to the Asia, and soon, to all over the world.
And the name of my shop will be very famous like Nike.
*I hope so*
God bless mii.
I'll do it.
Gimme 10years.
I'll do it!
What I wanted to get for mii and my family if my dream comes true...
Dad: Mercedes, branded clothes, swimming pool and a big Karaoke room.
Mum: Big house, Zaxx, all kind of lotion and facial treatment, all nice clothes.
Elder bro: Best desktop, gym room, all high technology thingy.
Younger bro: Indoor badminton courts, best racket and best desktop.
Myself: Lamborghini and everything I wanted.*clap clap*
The Yinz-The Winner-The Hopes-The Loves-The Queen
The Yinz-The Winner-The Hopes-The Loves-The Queen
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