

Late night.

so tired.
My bro still not back home yet.
Gotta wait for him.

Dunno what to say lahh.
Feeling unhappy a bit lerh.
Feeling cool a bit larh.
I'm weird.

You guys know,
I feel like shifting school man.
I'm bored in this school.
Nothing new and excited come into my life.
Everyday facing the same things.
Same school mates + same teachers = Same life.
Find one day try to ask my mum can stop school or not lu.
I feeling bored siao!
I need something excited!
I miss Maybo and Monkey.
I miss Conan, Ah D, Hong Zai, Kenny and all of them.
Need to get something to exciting my life.

heh heh.
Suddenly something pop up on my mind.
This gonna be really excited.
Plan first.
*texting Gilliant*
*on the phone with Gilliant*
After planning.

I got show to watch soon.
I love you babeh Gilliant!!!
Thanks for helpin mii, spread this news k?
I know you're reading my blog man. xD
Right right right?

My bro finally home.
His car kena locked up.
Cause simply parking.
Really got to sleep.

The Yinz-The Winner-The Hopes-The Loves-The Queen

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